The Vorster's and family History
Your Family's Journey Through Time
Roelof Louis Vorster (1872-1952) |
Hester Francina Hendrina Vorster (1881-1979) |
Helena Petronella Vorster (1903-1982) |
Casper Jan Hendrik Vorster (1905- ) |
Schalk Willem Vorster (1907-1992) |
Janetta Wilhelmina Vorster (1909- ) |
Lucea Wilhelmina Vorster (1911-1995) |
Roelof Louis Vorster (1915-1980) |
Hester Francina Hendrina Vorster (1921- ) |
Stephanus Lambertus le Roux (1914- ) |
Hyla Louisa Vorster (1913- ) |
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