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Hans Voster stamvader van die Vorster familie

Jan Vorster, stamvader van die Vorster familie is moontlik so tussen 1694 tot 1704 gebore in die canton Bern Switserland distrik. Die van Forster kom in 'n paar plekke in Switzerland voor maar net 'n klein hoeveelheid in die gemeente in Canton Bern. Om informasie oor hom te kry sal ons presies moet weet van watter gemeente Hans Forster geregistreer was. Sy info kan dan van die baie goeie georganiseerde Switserse kerk rekords by bestel word. 'n Beter oplossing is dalk om die soldaat of seeman rekords van Texal in Nederland vanwaar die Velserhoofd uit Texel in Nederland op die 18 November 1716 verlaat met 92 matrose en 31 soldate aan boord waarop hy was, te kry. Dit behoort te bevestig van watter area hy af kom en dan ook 'n nadere geboorte datum. Dit is baie interresant dat sy besonderhede in die Nederlandse Nationale Argiewe met sy vaart op die Velserhoofd gegee is as Hans Voster uit Bern. Die volgende is besonderhede oor hom: Information concerning Hans Voster from Bern Date of commencement of employment: 18-11-1716 Date of termination of employment: 16-07-1717 Occupation at commencement of employment: Ship gunner Reason for terminating employment: Free citizen Sailed away with the ship: Velserhoofd Where ended tenure of service: Cape of Good Hope Month certificate: No Debenture: Yes Information concerning the voyage Ship: Velserhoofd Departure: 18-11-1716 Chamber: Amsterdam Cape: 13-05-1717 07-08-1717 Inventory number: 5691 Folio: 43 Arrival: 22-10-1717 Batavia DAS- and voyage no.: 2289.1
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Cristo Neil Vorster

Benjamin Jacobus Vorster (I17045) Tree: vorster Link: Born as Cristo Neil Vorster at Addington hospital 15 Jan 1968 , mother was Marie Oosthyuizen. A Benjamin Jacobus Vorster was looking for me on the 1991.03.21 from groenkloof pretoria Fransgender straat43. looking for parents or family before adoption... Please assit if possible. Much appreciated. God bless! Lourens De wet
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 Mystery Photos

Vorster photos from Bingle Brits

I obtained the photo from Bingle Brits whom I initially started the Vorster data base back in the early 90's. Since then it is easier to link photo's. Can you id these. They must still be from her branch although we have lost contact with her to confirm.
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Family photo's from Bingle Brits

Photo's from Bingle Brits nee Vorster
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Family photo's from Bingle Brits

Family photo's from Bingle Brits
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Family photo's from Bingle Brits

Family photo's from Bingle Brits
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