The Vorster's and family History
Your Family's Journey Through Time
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All surnames beginning with E, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. Eck (7) 2. Eeden (3) 3. Ellewee (1) 4. Eade (1) 5. Eager (1) 6. Easterway (1) 7. Easton (1) 8. Eaton (1) 9. Ebersohn (2) 10. Ebersöhn (2) 11. Eck (8) 12. Eckard (1) |
13. Eden (2) 14. Edmonds (1) 15. Edwards (7) 16. Eeden (14) 17. Eetveld (1) 18. Egen (1) 19. Eglington (1) 20. Ehle (1) 21. Ehlers (4) 22. Ehrke (1) 23. Ekker (1) 24. Ekron (2) |
25. Eksteen (2) 26. Eley (1) 27. Ellewee (1) 28. Ellis (9) 29. Eloff (4) 30. Els (22) 31. Emmenis (1) 32. emmer (1) 33. Engelbrecht (61) 34. Engelmohr (1) 35. Engels (1) 36. Enorma (1) |
37. Enslin (22) 38. Enstrom (1) 39. Erasmus (70) 40. Erlank (4) 41. Ernst (2) 42. Erwee (2) 43. Esbach (2) 44. Espach (2) 45. Esterhuize (1) 46. Esterhuizen (13) 47. Esterhuyzen (3) 48. Etchells (1) |
49. Etsebet (1) 50. Etsebeth (7) 51. Evan-Jones (1) 52. Evans (4) 53. Everson (3) 54. Evert (1) 55. Eyk (1) 56. Eyssen (2) |
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